The Angolan coffee variety known as Amboim may be included in the African gourmet coffee production project set to begin this year, the secretary-general of the Inter-African Coffee Organisation (IACO) has stated in Luanda.
During a Thursday conference on “The Coffee Cultivation Situation in Africa – future challenges and its contribution to development”, Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko said the IACO would work with Angola’s National Coffee Institute to determine how and where to implement the gourmet coffee project, a Ugandan initiative.
“At an IACO meeting in London in September 2009, Uganda presented a project on gourmet coffee and the members present decided to choose Angola and Tanzania to be included in the programme and to endow it with a regional aspect,” Sacko added.
Regarding other projects for Angola, she said the IACO wants to include the Angolan coffee sector in its projects to set up excellence centres for germ plasm preservation, with a view to ensuring the supply of genetic material.
Angola’s deputy minister of agriculture, Zacarias Sambeny, recalled that his country had once been the world’s fourth-ranking coffee producer, with annual revenues in the past of more than US$300 million.
The Agriculture Ministry is thus shaping policies and projects that it expects will lead to a recovery, re-launch and commercialisation of coffee, an activity which plays a vital role in creating jobs and generating wealth.
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